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Windows Server Backup: How to Check status

As you already know, backups are one of the most important processes that a business office can complete. If you were a victim of theft, flood or fire, your entire business would be lost. Knowing that you have a backup of your entire practice would allow you to sleep better at night knowing that if something did happen, you are completely protected. Below are the steps that you can follow to check and see if your server is being backed up and the current status.

Step 1:

Log in to your server using your credentials.

Step 2:

Click on the “Start” menu to open the metro interface.

Step 3:

Start typing “Backup“. It will open a search window on the right side of your screen. A program named “Windows Server Backup” will appear.

Step 4:

Select the program “Windows Server Backup” and open it.

Step 5:

WBADMIN will open and load. You are going to focus on the messages section. This will show you the last 7 days of backup status. Proceed to the next step to learn what each section means.

Overview of the Backup screen:

  1. This section shows whether you are working on a local machine or a remote server.
  2. The Messages section shows the last 7 days of backups.
    1. You will get either one of these status’s in the description.
      1. Successful (Backup completed 100% – No errors)
      2. Completed with errors (A file or files were not able to be backed up properly)
      3. Failed (Backup failed – Call your IT group)
  3. The Status section shows more details for the last backup, Next backup and All backups.
  4. The Scheduled Backup section shows details of the current configuration, advanced options and the destination.
  5. Destination usage section provided additional information for your backup locations whether it is on an external storage device or a network attached storage.
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