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PracticeWorks: Btrieve code 3012 op = 0

This error refers to:
Unable to open PracticeWorks on one or more machines.
Pervasive services are not running on the server, or simply need to be restarted (even if the issue only happens on one machine and all others function fine)
Displayed message: 
“Local engine not accessible. Btrieve last code 3012 op = 0”

Most Common Solution:


1. Restart the Pervasive services by:
  1. From the server, click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type services.msc in the window and hit enter
  4. Right click on Pervasive PSQL Relational Engine and click Stop
  5. Right click on Pervasive PSQL Transactional Engine and click Stop
  6. Right click on Pervasive PSQL Relational Engine and click Start
  7. Right click on Pervasive PSQL Transactional Engine and click Start
  8. Close this window
  9. Open PracticeWorks


NOTE: Pervasive SQL “listens” through Port 3351 on the Server’s IP address. A static IP address is not required here, but it is helpful. If the IP on the server changes without Pervasive Services being restarted, they will still be listening on the original IP address, and workstations will not be able to find it. This is what often times causes 3012 errors, and it is why we begin troubleshooting by restarting the Pervasive Engines.

If the server is still not able to launch PracticeWorks without issue:

2. Ensure the mapped network drives are connected on all workstations (no red x’s).

  1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start  menu, or press the Windows logo key  + E.
  2. Select This PC from the left pane. Confirm the existence of a drive that points to the shared Pworks folder on the server.
  3. If the drive is not present, then on the Computer tab, select Map Network drive.
  4. In the Drive list, select a drive letter. (Any available letter will do.)
    • Letter should match what’s expected from the current installation.
  5. In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or select Browse to find the folder or computer. To connect every time you log on to your PC, select the Reconnect at sign-in check box.
    • If manually typing the path, use the computer name, not the IP address.
  6. Select Finish.
If the issue persists, you can also check the following:
3. Check to make sure that Telnet connects.
  1. From the Workstation, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
  2. On top left click Turn  Windows features on or off
  3. On the list check the box for Telnet Client > click OK to install.
  4. Once installation is complete, open command prompt window.
  5. Type in “Telnet  <servername> 3351”. Where <servername> = the name of the Pervasive server.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. If CMD goes blank with blinking curser then it successfully connected.  otherwise it will give a message that failed. Will need to resolve for communication on port 3351.
  8. This can be caused by the Firewall, or communication issue between workstation(s) and server.
  9. Office tech needs to find why 3351 will not connect, as this is considered a networking issue.

4. Make sure server has the network location set to private/Domain.


  1. Go to Start > control panel > Network and Sharing center.
  2. Under View your active networks check to see if the network is set to public, private, or domain.
  3. If set to public, this needs to be changed to private or domain depending on the network.
  4. The steps to change the network type depends on the version of Windows.

5. Network – Group Policy Update


In chronic cases if error persists – look at error.log file for the workstation with the errors. Record the date and time stamp and then compare it to Windows System Event logs to see if there was a Group Policy Update information entry showing as successfully completed at the same time. This process has been known to reset the network connection on completion. This can be resolved by having whomever maintains their network set the Group Policy Update to happen after hours instead of during the day. This is something outside scope of support and should be done by whomever maintains their network.
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